San Juan Capistrano | Lorena + Eric Engagement Shoot |Orange County


If there was a couple that could define finding a partner who encourages you to grow, who won’t cling to you, who will let you go out into the world, and trust that you will come back, and love each other enough to encourage each other’s future. Then that would be Lorena + Eric. I have known Lorena for almost…almost a decade! eep. And was so honored when I had the opportunity to capture their engagement. I have grown to learn and see how these two love, and boy. What a pleasure of mine to witness this deep love of theirs.

xoxo Lorena and Eric. Can’t wait till the wedding in October!!


It takes some of my best charm and jokes to get this GQ smile of Eric’s. You wear it nicely.2014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0432014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0732014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-024 copy2014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0362014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0542014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0782014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-096Lorena, beautiful eyes. I mean…radiant eyes. *whoa..I see how he can be mesmerized.2014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0892014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0202014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0572014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-0792014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-040In the words of Lorena “he’s comfortable with you shooting him” and boy was she right because I stole some steamy kisses during this shoot. love it. 2014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-1022014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-1112014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-1132014_Lorena_and_Eric_Engagement_Shoot_SJC-121

Love, Hoami

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  • Lorena RomeroApril 25, 2014 - 9:34 pm

    I love, love, love my pictures. Thank you so much Hoami 🙂ReplyCancel

  • JennyAugust 27, 2014 - 3:35 am


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