Oh the ladies of Vy’s Bridal Party really knew how to put together a memorable and cute event!
Vy will wed in November, where I have the honor of shooting her wedding. Her bridal shower was just a little over a week ago and although invited as a guest, I just had to capture some of the eateries and details! Chef Angelo (one of the bridesmaids bf) did an excellent job in prepping the food! I still need that Pate recipe Angelo, that thing was the bomb! Seriously.
An eifferl tower, what the heezy? how cool is this?
Mushroom, something, something Pate. o.m.g. So good, so delicious. Recipe please.
Pictures of the couple hung across the room. Can you find the hidden Mickey Mouse decor?
Smashing job ladies!
[…] their engagement session themed “Love is Brewing” which captured their love for coffee, Vy’s Bridal Shower themed Paris, which is where David proposed (How can that not be a favorite thing?!), and soared with their […]