Newport Harbor Nautical Baby Shower | Kassy + MaiKai


This nautical-themed baby shower was held at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club that ended with a beautiful harbor cruise that. I have to thank their dear friend Rhonda for sharing the love story of Kassy & MaiKai. Also, as the gem for finding Dear Darling and giving the opportunity to capture such a beautiful shower!

In the words of Rhonda, “Kassy & MaiKai Makena have known each other since middle school, reconnected and have been together for 3+ years. They just got married last summer. Kassy & MaiKai are expecting a baby boy and plan to call him Mason”.
My services were a surprise gift to them. Rhonda and the hosts topped the event with a stunning, cute, and fun flare. Everything was handpicked and put together and made with love. From cute “Mason” Jar decors, homemade (beautiful) desserts!, fun instant photos, cards for advice, and more. Every detail was well thought with love and extreme cuteness. During the event, I stole the soon to be parents away for a quick mini shoot. We grabbed some beautiful shots with the Newport background and even some on Kassy’s dad’s yacht. How fun!
The day ended with an awesome shot of the group right before the take take off. Everything was purely sweet to perfection. Congratulations!



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