Lee & Steven married in Hawaii earlier this summer, a place where they both also reside. Oh Yes, Hawaii! Oooo to live in Hawaii. When they reached out to me, of course I was honored and flattered, but I couldn’t help but ask….”aren’t you suppose to already have your engagement shoot done?”
So the beauty of Hawaii is that one must be ready for all sorts of scenarios, including ones from forces of nature. So a report of a stormy weather meant no engagement shoot for the two. So in all, the stars had them cross my path. I am so happy to have captured their loving and playful spirit on camera! So easy going, and not a moment passed without some laughter in the making. Thank you both! I am so grateful to have gotten to know you two. Maybe I’ll catch you two in Hawaii sometime! Aloha!
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
Something funny was going on. I can’t remember, but then again, there was a lot of funnies in this shoot.
and how about we reenact Prom?
a change of scenery to catch the sunset.
beautiful work. as always hoami bear <3
Thank you Danita! Miss ya lots!