I’m thankful for…

sunflowers. It wasn’t till just a few years ago I found this deep fond for sunflowers. It was one of those, it just clicked! I mean, I’ve always admired them, but now even more as something about it really does lit a person up.

I’m thankful for:

1. Family – Family always needs to be mentioned first, it’s a given!

2. Flowers – Is they’re ever such thing as an ugly flower?

3. Tangerines/Cuties – What better then to make eating fruit easy by making it easy to peel.

4. Candy – It is always appropriate to eat this 365 days a year. The sweetness is music to my tastebuds.

4. Bathroom cleaners – I can’t tell you how many times I walk into a bathroom praying it is in it’s cleanest condition.

5. Toothpaste & toothbrush – My teeth sure would be gammy without it.

6. House slippers – Goodness knows my feet is like ice blocks. I wear these religiously half of the year.

7. Fit girls at the gym – Yes, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sneakly check out that hot bod on the girl. It really is a source of motivation for me to keep on working out and stay working out.

8. Pedicures – I’m so downright lazy to do them myself. The mini pampering is a small sample of life’s pleasures.

9. Chips – omg. I speak no more.

10. The Voice – It is you I continue to daydream about being a rockstar.

11. Pinterest – Face it, pinterest should be every girl’s best friend.

12. Kids – They’re funny. They make you want to be young. They remind you life is short and be silly. I just want to squeeze them to death.

13. That moment I wake up from a night’s rest -Feeling well rested.

14. Smiles, Laughter, & Tears – it’s contagious you know.

15. The ability to laugh at myself

16. Internet – I love you Google.

17.Quotes – It’s like life lessons reminded in tiny increments.

18. Getting lost and discovering new hidden gems – Don’t sweat the small stuff, there might be bigger and amazing things waiting.

19. Patience & Hope – I speak for myself, and for friends who have shown me the value of patience and hope. Geez, I can’t be grateful enough.

20. Supportive & True  friendship – Sometimes when you think all is lost, True friends prove you wrong.

21. Strength

22. Kindness


24. Photography

25. Love – I love to love. People. relationships. life.

Okay. The list really can go on forever. I’m so grateful for life and all it’s little things. But if anything, relationships and true friendships this year are really what I’m grateful for. I’ve learned so much about life, lessons, about me, and still learning.

Although this post is focused on all the things I’m thankful for, I just had to squeeze in these photos before the December month came about. Corn mazes, hayrides, and pumpkin patches just blended more with the Fall feel aka October & November months. December is all about winter.

Anywhoos. This was my first time ever going to a pumpkin patch. Yes, I was stoked and giddy like a child in a candy store. Even more, when I was soaked with the beautiful views of the sunflower fields and evening sky. Although not one of the biggest pumpkin patch in the Northern San Diego area, I couldn’t ask for more. A few dollars gave us a nice little hayride around the fields, and the evening couldn’t be anymore serene.


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  • Linda GallucciNovember 28, 2013 - 6:12 pm

    Great post! Sunflowers are my favorite friendship flower too.ReplyCancel

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