i can’t believe in 6 months…

it will be 2014!

Taking a break from my daily work, I glanced at my Instagram and realized it’s August already! This is the moment where I can say, “where did the first half of the year go?” and “why have I not posted more on my instagram?” because really, more has happened.
The last few months have been a whirl of life changes, amazing events, and beautiful encounters.  I hope to share a piece of these in detail in later posts. But for now, here is a sum up from Instagram eyes. From top left to right:
roommate diy hanging succulents, surprising encounters, love brewed, wine and sunflowers, sd wedding garden, origami tree, Melina, loveboat, hippie Xavi, beautiful discoveries, sunset lake, confused Korean looking baby, niece gets her laugh from me, a dock at sunset, homemade pizza, a shirt on person and a person on blanket, little sheep hot pot!, the Mr & Mrs Vu, Stoned with baby J, unexpected delivery, paleo frenzy, santa monica pier, wedding la arboretum, niece really loves my kisses, and my beautiful mom.
Happy Monday!

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