Category Archives: Personal

i can’t believe in 6 months…

it will be 2014! Taking a break from my daily work, I glanced at my Instagram and realized it’s August already! This is the moment where I can say, “where did the first half of the year go?” and “why have I not posted more on my instagram?” because really, more has happened. The last...

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    A part of you has grown in me

    “A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it’s you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart”.

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      Mother’s Day Family Shoot Giveaway

      I love moms. I think they’re amazing, strong, charming, beautiful, and hardworking. In honor of them, I would like to give away a free photo shoot. Moms & Dads need a loveshoot once in a while, why not give one? Long overdue for a family photoshoot? How about photos with the siblings? You know…..pets are...

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